Fundación Coremsa was established in 2009 as a foundation and acts as a private placement agency authorised by the State Public Employment Service (SEPE) to design and offer integrated action plans and placement to the unemployed. FC has premises in Madrid, Málaga, Badajoz and Palma de Canarias as well as operating as an online placement agency:
Fundación Coremsa promotes the employability of young and adult professionals covering the employment needs of private and public entities, and actively participates in education, training and social inclusion activities such as seminars, trainings and guidance activities for unemployed and especially vulnerable groups (young people, women, 50+, immigrants, etc.). In addition, the foundation carries out strategic consulting and develops different education &training, social and cultural activities under regional, national and international support programmes as well as performing technical assistance to public entities in managing mobility programs.
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Asociatia Consultantilor is Expertilor in Economie Sociala Romania (ACE-ES) is an association founded in Romania in 2011 that aims to support and promote social economy (social entrepreneurship) seen as viable tool for innovation and flexibility within the economic and social environment, for sustainable development and active citizenship, for cooperation, solidarity and social inclusion. Main Activities:
Supports and promotes or, as appropriate, organizes continuous training activities;
Carries out/organizes research-action, studies, analyzes, interventions and pilot projects, seminars, conferences, working groups;
Support and promote or, as appropriate, organize innovative, interregional, national and transnational activities;
Acts, in a variety of ways and methods, to support disadvantaged communities / groups, for full access to social, educational, active employment and integration services and programs;
Promotes entrepreneurial culture, innovation, research and the development of a knowledge-based society.
The members of association are very active in development innovative instruments of social economy – a social brand of inclusion, training on social entrepreneurship, professional standards pertaining to the domain’s jobs etc.
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EUROPERSONAL & SERVIS is a modern, stable and dynamically developing service provider in the field of personnel leasing, human resources and training, We have our own training and in-service education and training accredited by the National Labour Inspectorate which offers training for the operation of all motor vehicles and types according to National legislation, performing basic, continuing and refresh courses in the field of automotive.
Our training centre has been created in 2010 a since then we have trained more than 3000 participants and provided employment for more than 2000. We cooperate with many leading companies both in the Slovak and in The Czech Republic. On our daily basis we collaborate with different companies from the logistics and automotive sector such as: DHL, Schnellecke, Panasonic, Raben logistics, etc. Besides our specific training for the sectors mentioned above, EURO-PERSONAL also provides professional guidance & labour market consulting to our learners and people who wish to find a place in the labour market.
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Inova Consultancy is a female-owned SME which specialises in providing consultancy services and project work in the field of gender and non-traditional fields and entrepreneurship. Inova has extensive experience in working on European Funded Projects in the field of enterprise and career support both as a partner and contractor in LLP and Erasmus Plus projects.
Inova has specialist experience in running workshops, training courses and mentoring programmes aimed at women starting up or developing their business. Inova has also developed personal development/soft skills development workshops and developed the innovative training methodology of Mentoring Circles for women entrepreneurs in the UK. Inova has extensive networks of individuals and organisations committed to increasing the numbers of women in under-represented courses and careers e.g. self-employment, across Europe and has vast experience of working on transnational projects, understanding dissemination, mainstreaming and evaluation requirements. Inova represents WiTEC (European Association of Women in Science, Engineering and Technology) and has access to 10 countries in Europe working on gender issues.
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CESIE is a European Centre for Studies and Initiatives based in Palermo, Sicily. It is a non-profit, apolitical, and non-governmental organisation. It was established in 2001, inspired by the work and theories of the pacifist Danilo Dolci (1924-1997). CESIE links local, national and international contexts and is committed to stimulating development and change in educational, cultural and economic spheres through the creation and use of innovative tools and methods.
The organisation is divided into 6 units managing activities related to International, European and Local Cooperation with the purpose of promoting educational innovation, participation and growth: Higher Education and Research, Rights and Justice, Adults, Migration, School and Youth…
CESIE coordinates the CESIE Network which is composed of over 200 organizations throughout the world who share our mission and collaborate with us. At the same time, CESIE relies on about fifty external experts that collaborate for specific activities in our offices: three in Sicily and three abroad. Equally important is the contribution from the dozens of interns and volunteers engaged in internships at our organization.
To learn more, visit